Niswarth Kadam holds hand of Orphaned Children'
Niswarth Kadam extends financial help ( Annual School Fee for 2 kids ) to orphaned children of an honest Police Official ( Asst Sub Inspector MrDharampal of Sultanpur, DisttKarnal, Haryana ) who died in the line of duty.'

Uttrakhand Disaster Activities
Niswarth.com has sent material including 250-Blankets-Lois and shawls- mixed a lot of Cardigans for males and females, 250- solar lanterns, 100- water filters and 500-saris, dhotis for woman in uttrakhand.'

Uttrakhand Disaster Activities
Niswarth.com has sent material including 250-Blankets-Lois and shawls- mixed a lot of Cardigans for males and females, 250- solar lanterns, 100- water filters and 500-saris, dhotis for woman in uttrakhand.'

Fruit distribution in Old Age Home Sector 4 Gurgaon
Provided fruits to about 25 old ladies. The objective was to celebrate Nirjala Ekadashi.We are also distribute fruits.'

Road Cleaning at Golf Course Road
Various road cleaning activities have been carried out through organized sharamdaan at Golf Link Road, utilized manual machines and mechanized medium to heavy vacuum machines mounted on LMV’s and HMV’s.

Road Cleaning at IFFCO Chowk
Carried out road cleaning activity through organized sharam daan at Iffco Chowk Road, utilized manual machines and mechanized medium to heavy vacuum machines mounted on LMV’s and HMV’s. '